Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2nd July 2011 - Love to Japan

"On March 11 2011, the most powerful known earthquake - magnitude 9.0 - struck off the coast of Japan, followed by extremely destructive Tsunami waves of up to 38.9m that literally washed away everything. Thousands and thousands of cars, boats, houses, schools hospitals and people.

The Japanese National Police Agency has confirmed 15,057 deaths, 5,282 injured, and 9,121 people missing across eighteen prefectures, as well as over 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed.

Having lost so much, including many of their loved ones, the survivors are rebuilding their lives faced with the fear of the problems growing at neighboring Nuclear Plants.

Love to Japan, fundraising fiesta, 1-4pm 2nd of July 2011 at Birkenhead Primary School, celebrates a beautiful people facing so many challenges. All funds r
aised will directly go to three primary schools; Nakano, Arahama and Higashirokugo primary school which affected worst in Sendai City in Miyagi." (Quote from Love to Japan Official Website)

Our volunteers team were there captured this event as well as capturing Haere Mai Taiko performance as their official photographers.

© ALBERT NG photography
DO NOT use these images without written permission.